Hiroshima Church,
United Church of Christ in Japan
5-16-23 oote-machi naka-ku Hirosima-city
Tel: 082‐243‐0520
Pastor:Rev.Hiroshi Matsukida
Myungsook Kim
《 Worship Services 》
・Sunday Service
Sunday Morning Service
Every Sunday 10: 30 a.m. ~ 11:40 a.m.
・Sunday Evening Service
Every Sunday 7:00 p.m. ~ 7:40 p.m.
・Prayer Meetings
Every Thursday Evening
6:30 p.m. ~ 7:30 p.m.
・Wednesday Morning
The first Wednesday of each month
10:00 a.m. ~ 11:00 a.m.
《 Introducing our Church 》
Our church pioneers, starting missionary work in 1881, established Hiroshima Church, the first Protestant church in Hiroshima, in 1883.
Today, our Hiroshima Church is one of more than 1700 Protestant churches affiliated with United Church of Christ in Japan.Every Sunday, the congregation comprised of 70 people meets for Sunday Morning Service; and for Evening Service, about 15 people come to meet. Besides believers, there are people who have an interest in Christianity and who hope to study the Bible. Attendance is open to all, and therefore feeling free, please come and join us.
The main point of “the service” is in “the sermon”: the pastor preaches, interpreting passages from the Bible, hoping for its teachings to be practically applied in everyday life. Next is “the prayer,” which expresses wishes or thanksgiving, and next comes “the hymn” to give thanks to God for our real life given here and now. The last point is “collection,” an example of our thanksgiving.The service ends with “the benediction” (the prayer of blessing) by the pastor.Psalm
Every Sunday after “the service,” “a meeting for new visitors” is held to permit the asking of questions and discussion of the sermon.To foster good fellowshipwe hold other activities as well: meetings for “singing hymns,” “reading poems,” “reading cultural books,” “watching videos” and programs for “young adults,” “the middle-aged” and “seniors.”
We have other programs for studying the Bible and offering prayer: “Bible Study and Prayer” is held every Thursday evening as well as the first Wednesday morning of each month.A “Family Bible Study” is also held in each area.
Through the activities of communicating with each other in church, we hope to find our own ways of true living as human beings, pursuing the essence of our own existence.If you would like to visit us, please do.We are waiting for you.
《 For Visitors from Abroad 》
Attending Sunday Service
1) First of all, we do hope you will visit the ushers’ desk in the front entrance hall on the first floor and fill out a visitor’s card. The ushers will hand you “a weekly report” printed with an order of service, the day’s program and other announcements. The service order is printed with the quoted part of the Bible and the response reading from the Bible and also the numbers of the Hymns on the left page inside of the weekly report. English Bibles and hearing aids can be borrowed at the ushers’ desk. The ushers will guide you to the chapel on the second floor, going up the slope or riding the elevator.
When you are uncertain or anxious about the worship services, never hesitate to ask the ushers, please.
2) In the chapel we would like to ask you to take an unoccupied seat close to the central aisle.
3) If you are unwell or disabled, it is not necessary for you stand up during the service; you are welcome to remain seated.